Welcome To The Scented Candle Store

So you may think - why choose scented candles? Well, why not? There are many benefits of scented candles other than just the aroma and the light they give. In fact, candles are very rarely use for lighting today, but more for 'mood' or decoration, and scented oil candles in particular will add a fragrance to any room that can help to soothe nerves and enable you to relax after a hard day at work.



Many feel relaxed just by looking at a lit candle, even without a scent, so it is not just the smell that is effectively relaxing.  It might be that we have an innate affinity with candles that has been developed over the centuries when they were our only source of light. During dark winter nights our mediaeval ancestors had no other means of lighting other than candles or flaming torches of wood and animal fat.


Even up until fairly recently candles were the prime source of light in the home, just before gas lighting became common and well before electricity was available in all homes.  Even today, in some areas of the USA and the UK oils lamps and candles are used for lighting, though likely only because of the cost of installing 'the electric' as it was once named.


However, back to the benefits of scented candles-  in today's modern world where they are often used for little else other than nostalgia or decoration. Or is that true? They are also used by many as a form of aromatherapy, and candles are available in a wide range of fragrances, such as wild lime, Moroccan rose and Capri fig in addition to the more traditional lavender, jasmine, clover and spice.


Each of these will fill your room with a marvelous floral scent that will remind you of these warm summer evenings in the country or picnics by the river. They are truly relaxing and soothing, and no matter how stressful your day has been, coming home and lighting up any of these beautiful scented candles will enable you to drink in the aroma and feel totally at ease with yourself and with the world.


Not only that, but handmade candles can look really beautiful. In fact, many are purchased just for their appearance and decorative effect, and will likely never be lit. Which is a shame because candles are made to be used: they may have been designed to look beautiful, but candles are functional and should be enjoyed to the full. This can only be achieved by lighting them and enjoying the relaxation that their aroma and flickering flame can provide.


However, many prefer to purchase scented oil candles just for their decorative beauty than to burn them - and who can blame them? In many cases such candles are so artistically made that it seems a shame to ruin them by lighting the wick and watching the beautiful sculptures and carefully layered colours of wax disappear before their eyes.


Oil scented candles are made by melting the wax and then adding a quantity of essential oil (essential meaning scented - from 'essence') to the melt. You then place the wick in a mould, secure it from above, and pour in the wax-essential oil mixture. Leave it to solidify and you have a basic scented candle. The secret is in the waxes used, the wick and the other ingredients that are used to control the burning rate and reduce the smoke to a minimum.


Paraffin wax can be used, together with stearic acid or stearine, and you can also add oil-soluble dyes that provide the colour. By layering differently dyed waxes you can sculpt levels of colours to create beautiful scented candles that people will find it hard to resist. However, these candles can be very expensive, and you won't spend a whole load of cash just to burn it away in one night.


Most scented candles are of one or perhaps two colours, and contain enough essential oil to provide you with an exquisite smell in your home when it is burning. They should be priced sufficiently low to be consumable, so that you can burn the candle without it costing you an arm and a leg. There's nothing wrong in purchasing one or two expensive decorative candles to complement those that you burn, but nobody likes spending a lot on something that is to go up in smoke.


The scents used in such luxury scented candles are often included for specific purposes. For example, rose and grapefruit fragrances help relieve depression, jasmine and lavender are relaxing and help you sleep at night and mint and a blend of fruits and flowers are invigorating and energizing. You can display a range of these in your room and light whichever is needed for your current mood.


Irrespective of your personal beliefs, scented candles affect you in more ways than you would care to admit, which is why they are popular the world over even though there are now very few areas where they are necessary for the provision of light. Were it only for light then all candles would be of white wax with no scent: the fact of the matter is that people like candles, they like the flame and they like their smell. Enough said!


